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The Nosework Handler - print version $25.00

The Nose Work Handler: Foundation to Finesse
by Fred Helfers.
This comprehensive book takes you, the handler, from the basics through challenging advanced exercises. Color photographs and helpful diagrams, plus step-by-step instructions, walk you through the basics, coach you on improving your skills, and help you to work through errors and challenges.
Fred's 35 years of professional experiences provide a wealth of insights and help you understand that professional scent problems are much the same as yours.
E Book formatted for Ibooks, PDF, Mobi and Epub.
The Nosework Handler
print version $25.00
International orders for printed edition please contact Fred Helfers
or purchase directly from the following companies:
Canada: Book Purchases can be made by contacting :
Denmark: Book Purchase can be made by contacting Sanne Andersen -
Books purchased for US delivery are sent by USPS - Media Mail and can take up to 7-10 days for delivery.
The Nosework Dog Performance Journal. **Price $15.00 (plus shipping )

Included in The Nosework Dog Performance Journal are:
• 16 Pages of Journal diagram examples and entry descriptions.
• Over 70 pages of performance Journal Exercise entry pages.
• Journal Terminology.
• A Journal Exercise Log.
-The Journal Exercise Log provides immediate recognition to track specifics of a training or trialing exercise.
-Includes entry descriptions and examples.
-Includes blank log sheets for over 90 entries.
Attention Instructors, Order 10 or more Performance Journals for your students and receive a 20% discount- contact Fred for further details.

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The Nosework Handler is now translated into Danish!
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